The Governing Philosophy

 Frank Rich with some rather harsh words for the culture of corruption that has become almost a “brand name” as he puts it. (Unfortunately,  this article is “behind the wall” ,  where only subscribers to Times Select can read it,  so I have to rely on the reviewers.  I tend to trust Josh Marshall)

Wrongdoing of this magnitude does not happen by accident, but it is not necessarily instigated by a Watergate-style criminal conspiracy. When corruption is this pervasive, it can also be a byproduct of a governing philosophy. That’s the case here. That Bush-Rove style of governance, the common denominator of all the administration scandals, is the Frankenstein creature that stalks the G.O.P. as it faces 2008. It has become the Republican brand and will remain so, even after this president goes, until courageous Republicans disown it and eradicate it.

Source: Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: May 13, 2007 – May 19, 2007 Archives

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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