The Problems with Threaded Discussions

I have a beef……over at Generous Orthodoxy Think Tank,  in this post (Scholarly Popularizers and Academic Activists) and its comments,  discussions like these,  without a way to “notify” participants who may well have an interest in the further contributions to a discussion in which they themselves have had interest,  are not given notice that something new has been added,  because there are no “comment RSS” or email subscription notification that new comments have been added.  I tried several times to offer additional food for thought into this discussion,  but noone has returned,  and I don’t think its due to people ignoring my questions.  It’s just that the original post has “slipped below the line” and no longer “in view”.  Think Tank is using TypePad,  a hosted version of Movable Type for their blog.  It is missing ,  as far as I know,  the WordPress (and some other blogs) feature of either comment RSS (so that people interested in a certain discussion can see when new comments are added) or email notification (where they can click a “send me email when new comments are added” link,  like Community Server and some other systems do). 

I think this is is not only a “technical issue”,  but a theological problem as well.  It flies in the face of the idea of “listening” to one another.  Like I said just a few lines back,  I do not see this as a matter of being ignored,  but the system’s shortcomings in this regard have made it inevitable.  I would suggest that perhaps Thinktank and perhaps other blog-based “theological dialogues” take this under advisement.  WordPress also has a “hosted” version ,  and Community Server does very well in such features.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

One Reply to “The Problems with Threaded Discussions”

  1. Theoblogical Post author

    I just noticed that a “mirror blog” that I set up in my Community Server site, has been mirroring posts to my WordPress blog, and pulls in the Categories as tags! Awesome! This is a an excellent tool for just what this post is about! is my installation of the Community Server 2007 Beta, which I could not get working as an “upgrade” to the in which I already have several users and blogs going.

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