Just found this video from Boston College…..excellent video and audio quality….just started watching it……but I feel confident that this is something several of you will want to see, particularly those of my just recently met face-to-face friends in the Kansas City thing-a-ma-bob (actually it was entitled “Is the Reformation Over? A Conversation Among Friends”)
(I’ve started reading Burrell’s book “Friendship and Ways to Truth” which I bought at the NTS bookstore, where Charlie works as he is a theology student there) This video also makes me quite jealous, since all the video I took of the Kansas City conversations had really bad echo (I’m still hoping to get my hands on some of the audio and see if I can’t digitally sync video with audio….I recall that back in the analog audio/video days it was almost impossible, due to ever so slight variations in recording speeds—with digital, the prospects may be much better)
Anyway, enjoy!
(P.S. I want to start being a more “faithful tagger” of posts. Windows Live Writer (my blog editor tool) has a mechanism, so I’m going to try and be much better about that)
Link to Boston College Front Row – The End of Religious Pluralism: A Tribute to David Burrell, CSC
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