God on our Side?

 James K.A. Smith ,  in speaking about a Jeff Sharlet Harper’s article he read,  found himself drawn to a Dylan song re-rendered by Buddy Miller, 

I’ve been ruminating on Buddy Miller’s rendition of Bob Dylan’s “With God on our Side,” on Miller’s Universal United House of Prayer album

so I went to iTunes to look it up ,  and downloaded it for a buck (I liked the Dylan song,  and this one is certainly got it’s Dylan-esque quality.  Worth the buck, definitely)

JKA concludes:

I think the song should be required listening in 7th grade history classes across the country (one could hope it might be listened to by some home schoolers, too!). Dylan’s and Miller’s is a very different story about God’s role in U.S. history—one with a prophetic heritage.

Actually,  I had a 9th grade Civics teacher that played the Dylan tune for the class in 1970,  and I recalled that event several times over the years as I became introduced to the notion that countries go to war for their own reasons, usually not those given to legitimize it,  (even IF the “reasons” are questionable if the “we” is Christians in America)

On a similar vein,  there is a film called Why We Fight that is worth seeing.


Source: Fors Clavigera: A Soundtrack for American History?

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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