I was just wondering which author has the most books on my shelves.
I found:
- 19 by CS Lewis (including 7 Chronicles of Narnia and 3 of the Space Trilogy)
- 17 by Frederick Buechner (bought mostly in the late 70’s and throughout the 80’s)
- 13 by Tony Campolo, and 2 more shared authorships (1 with son Bart, 1 with Brian McLaren)
- 13 by Keith Miller, bought in the 70’s and early 80’s (including 2 with Bruce Larson)
- 12 by Matthew Fox (late 80’s and early 90’s)
- 12 + 1 edited by Stanley Hauerwas (including 1 collection : The Hauerwas Reader) and growing
- 10 by Robert Raines (late 70’s and early 80’s)
- 9 by Elizabeth O’Connor (Church of the Saviour)
- 9 by Bruce Larson (late 70’s and early 80’s, including 2 with Keith Miller)
- 8 by Jim Wallis (80’s,90’s and 00’s)
- 8 by John Killinger (late 70’s and early 80’s)
- 8 by Paul Tournier (late 70’s)
- 8 by Elton Trueblood (late 70’s)
- 7 by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1920-45) (and 4 ABOUT him and 1 biography on him)
- 6 by Clarence Jordan (including the Cotton Patch NT volumes) + 1 history of Koinonia
- 6 by Dennis Benson
- 5 by Robert McAfee Brown (90’s)
- 4 by Alvin Toffler (Future Shock Series + 1 other)
- 4 by Lloyd John Ogilvie (late 70’s)
- 4 by Martin Luther King (including 1 collection)
- 3 by Gordon Cosby, John Howard Yoder, Ron Sider, Robert Farrar Capon, Glenn Hinson, Erving Goffman, Harvey Cox, William Barclay, Charlie Shedd
- 2 by James K.A.Smith, Brian McLaren, Ched Myers, Al Gore, James Carroll, Walter Wink, Ray Oldenburg, Gerhard Lohfink, Howard Rheingold, David Weinberger (including 1 shared Cluetrain Manifesto)