God’s Way of Conquering

Pastor John had two posts over the past day or so that really pack a whallop. Here are some highlights, but do go and read these. Valuable insights for us. (Of course, I have comments interspersed),  and in my previous post, I also draw from these same posts from Pastor John.

Pastor John Wright (quoting from a speech by the Pope)
This is God’s new way of conquering: He does not oppose violence with a stronger violence. He opposes violence precisely with the contrary: with love to the end, his cross. This is God’s humble way of overcoming: With his love — and only thus is it possible — he puts a limit to violence. This is a way of conquering that seems very slow to us, but it is the true way of overcoming evil, of overcoming violence, and we must trust this divine way of overcoming.

This sickens me:

Pastor John Wright
I saw on Aljazeera.com that 3000 evangelicals gathered in Washington D.C. to influence the U.S. government to give the State of Israel the “green light” to obliterate Lebanon

Activist war-mongers with “theological” naivete and out of touch with the reality of their neighbors, to whom they send death from Israels’ military, with “our blessing”. Frauds is the word that comes to mind. Frauds in sheep’s clothing (but not very good sheep’s clothing at that). But then I also know that they aren’t “intentional” in their fraudulency here; so that makies “fraud” an inaccurate term here. But it IS tragic, and so damaging.

Pastor John Wright
the way of Jesus Christ, the way of God’s response to the violence of the world is the church, called together in the Eucharist, as a oasis of peace scattered through direct action in works of love throughout the world. Our response is God’s call for evangelism, to call people to the God who is Love as seen in Jesus Christ to faith in this very particular Jesus. The Pope even uses the n-word in his sermon — nonviolence as the means by which God conquers the violence of the world.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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