Some Valuable Reflections on Radical Orthodoxy

I went to comment on a series of posts and comments here: (la nouvelle théologie: Timid, Theoretical Radicals) and found that I couldn’t comment there , so I copied it here. Read the stuff there, and then come back and see what I found so compelling about their (Eric’s and Pastor John’s) comments.

Eric and Pastor John,

These are some great articulations of some of the very stuff I’ve been “into” in my reading of RO works. Both the “ragged edges” and the “pearls of wisdom” ; and I think that BOTH of these apsects can help us. I sure hope that I learn and absorb and allow myself to become more open to the life of the resurrection as a result. Gerhard Lohfink’s book has been great (I’m almost done). In some ways, reading it and some of the RO stuff and especially Hauerwas, has been a little like what it used to be like for me to watch a really good romantic movie back before I met my wife. I was moved, but also depressed for the lack of such at the time. That’s something of a “distant relation” to my feelings and hopes about finding myself in a community that embodies that passimon for “the assembly” and the in-depth training ground for combatting the world and its ways, and breaking out of the cycle of consumption and comfort to share in the lives of those to whom God calls us to be with.

I’m on the verge of taking that trip to Washington DC to see some people about what I can do about church; to the people who were responsible for planting the seed in me many years ago and I’ve never been able to forget (nor woulod I want to), the Church of the Saviour, and a couple of sets of friends who live in that area. I hope to share a bit with Gordon Cosby a little of this journey, and find out a way to proceed about how I can find such a place, and where I am to do it.

But anyway, thanks guys. These were some great reflections.


About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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