Before and after Trump, we still have a serious Climate Crisis

While there is much to celebrate in seeing Trump and his minions falling apart before our eyes,  and his bases withering in the face of mass protest,  we still have a huge problem: This Climate Crisis ( Actually, even more so now that so many have effectively loosened their grip on due diligence on continuing to fight for sanity in the midst of this continuing Climate Crisis) .

You see,  we could not afford to keep on going AS WE WERE ,  BEFORE Trump’s disaster crew took the reigns.  It wasn’t like “if only we could have stayed that course”.  That course was,  and always has been,  just what has brought us here.
Defeating Trump is not defeating this.  We had much work to do ,  even if HRC had been elected.  In many ways,  it would have been JUST AS HARD,  because we would have sat back and breathed a sigh of relief that Trump didn’t win,  and we would have “avoided the madness”.  But we were already in madness.  A madness that was hurtling us toward this precipice at which we DO , in fact,  find ourselves.

We couldn’t afford this,  as we certainly couldn’t afford ANY trace of moving backward as the Trump crew seems determined to follow.  But we cannot be satisified with stopping rollback.  We have to stay afixed to the task of fighting the intense battle for civilization that will continue to crumble under the weight of the effects that are ALREADY COMING,  and already destined to continue ,  even if all emissions ceased.  We did this.  All we can do now is try to take the steps to slow the trainwreck, and lessen the damage.  Believe me,  this is worth everything we’ve got.  We don’t want any part of the alternative,  even as we fight to survive what we have already wrought,  and what we will inevitably face.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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