Constituted by Institution

Aaron blogs on institution as redeemable. I agree with this recognition of the value of “structures” as constituted by the continued “operation” of church, as a responsive, community-building apparatus (an apparatus of very highly connected human and divine quality)

aaron klinefelter

I believe in change… transformation… metamorphosis. I believe God is in this messy business of change… who else could make dry bones live? But change – deep long lasting change – may start by a risk, a crisis, a radical step out of the ordinary. But it is not sustained by living in a constant state of temporariness. Change – real life transformation of individuals, neighborhoods, and communities – is really only possible if we surround ourselves and embed ourselves in way of being that externally represents the internal way we want to be. By engaging in personal and communal rituals that become holy habits we become the people we say we want to be.

And this brings me to institution. I believe we must not abhor this idea of institution if we are to be a sustainable community of faith. We need common practices that are formed through long-term repetition. In other words, I think “insitution” is a word worth redeeming.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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