I blog in an age of Social Media /Twitter because I often desire more than RTs. I want conversation

I blog because I fancy myself a writer. I blog in an age of Social Media /Twitter because I often desire more than RTs. I want conversation.

I’ve worked lately to improve my comment system and options for readers.  I am blogging on a regular basis again.  But the comments just aren’t coming.  What has happened? Where are people who used to be commenting even back before there were “Comment systems”.  I provided an email link.  People used it.  Then blogs came along ( I began using them in 2002,  starting with Dave Winer’s pioneering blog software, Radio Userland.  There were comments coming in all the time.  (Sadly,  I neglected to archive /backup my comments that I amassed during my Radio blog activity.  I got the notice,  and I filed it away to come back and do ,  and of course,  I forgot.  So I deeply regret that.)   As Social Media has grown,  and people “debate” on Twitter,  the responses seem to have dwindled,  down to RTs and Likes.  The large publishers and news orgs get TONS of comments (and trolls too),  and the hugely popular bloggers get them (and the trolls too).  But it doesn’t seem to happen anymore on the smaller blogs.  I also worry about how it might not be “smaller blogs” and “small traffic blogs” ,  but that I’ve lost something of my attractiveness for conversation.  I try to avoid staying in that place,  and determine to keep trying.


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