Just as I indicated yesterday that I need to re-apply myself toward more writing (which will take place in the blog medium, as it had for about 8 years from 2002-2010 until being sharply curtailed due to a lot of energy being devoted to Twitter and Facebook and other Social Media, and a developing exploration of video blogging), I also have an intention to do more intentional focusing on the things I need to do to develop a sustainable model of producing some of the online video content that I have been allowing to rumble around in my head and imagination without devoting sustained effort toward sitting down and doing it.
Last week I received the news that the part time online work I had been doing that got me $300 a week, $1200 a month, $15,000 a year for thepast two years, was being discontinued for the rest of this year. As I see it, this may well end up meaning that I won’t be re-invited back in once some needed adjustments are made to the approach. I had been under the impression that I’d be involved in that retooling. But enough on that. My focus needs to be on what I need to do over the next four months. I am regretting that I didn’t use more time over the past couple years to continue to build up toward doing the kind of content on video and streaming that I have been thinking about over the past 5 years.
More on this a bit later today. But this is a good start toward the discipline of getting blogging going again on a regular basis until it becomes something I do constantly like I had been circa 2003-2009.