Good Ol Boys Network

Bruce Prescott of Mainstream Baptist has an astute observation of the “backroom strategizing” that Southern Baptists fell victim to in the 80’s and 90’s (and no doubt started in the 60’s and 70’s), and how this same scenario and some of the same people are involved in the Council for National Policy, (a group written on by Sarah Posner — Secret Society –which Jesus Politics linked to , and to which Bruce Prescott refers below:

Mainstream Baptist

Baptists are very familiar with the effectiveness of secretive cabals that set the priorities and agenda for political takeovers. We’ve been facing one for twenty-five years in the Southern Baptist Convention. Many of the same players are in the Council for National Policy which has been orchestrating the right-wing political takeover of our country.

Oh yes. We remember. I still grieve for it (what the SBC once was and could have been).

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