Mohler on Dean (rofl)

Mohler with his clueless ranting about Dean, and what he thinks of him.

I often like using Mohler as a punching bag, since he so accurately typifies the head-in-the-sand, fundamentalistic blindness of the Religious Right. His view of Dean is no exception. – Albert Mohler’s Weblog

“Howard Dean’s energy and passion will add to the political discourse in this country, and he will be a strong leader for his party.” That comment came from Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, in a statement congratulating former Vermont governor Howard Dean on his unanimous election as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. What Mr. Mehlman could not say is that his party is relishing the opportunity to watch the Democrats self-destruct under their hyperventilating new chairman.

First of all, the “hyperventialting” reference is clue enough to know that the Religous Right has no interest in learning the truth behind absolutely dirty media tricks and distortions such as that to which Dean fell victim. We all know the “Dean Scream”, but a disgustingly low number of people realize how that came about.

It was after the Iowa primary, and the media played over and over, the Dean concession speech for Iowa, where he used a crowd noise suppressing mike, so we coudldn’t hear how loud the crowd was, getting louder and louder so that Dean had to yell at the top of his voice to hear himself. The recordings make him sound a bit overworked. Jane Pauley admitted this in an interview in the following weeks. But did the networks apologize, or “expose” their distortions? NO.

Of course, even if they had, the Religious Right and their idols, the GOP, wouldn’t care, just as Fox doesn’t care. They’ll continue to run with it, as if all those “facts” and “actual contexts” are not relevant. They want to paint Dean as a crazy. OK then. But we’ll take them with a grain of salt, and anticipate how surprisewd they’re going to be when this “nobody”, this “loony” eats their lunch.

Dean’s past should not be forgotten, and his legacy as an ardent and radical proponent of abortion must not go unnoticed.

More Mohler denial of what he can’t see, due to his BLack-White view of things. He, Mohler, denies that Dean is anything but a ‘proponent” of abortion becuase he, Mohler, doesn’t understand anything but us vs them.

Mohler does the same to a statement by Ted Kennedy:

Wanted or unwanted, I believe that human life, even at its earliest stages, has certain rights which must be recognized–the right to be born, the right to love, the right to grow old . . . When history looks back to this era it should recognize this generation as one which cared about human beings enough to halt the practice of war, to provide a decent living for every family, and to fulfill its responsibility to its children from the very moment of conception.


That remarkable statement, made in 1971, was uttered by Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts. Of course, that was many years and an entire moral universe ago. Sen. Kennedy is now a staunch defender of abortion at every stage and in virtually every context.

Yeah, REMARKABLE! Huh? Al! What the hell are you talking about? I suppose it’s “remarkable” to Mohler because for him, “respect for life” is first and foremost an abortion issue. Never mind that his denomination’s leaders and himself are backing one of world’s most immoral wars, killing tens of thousands of not only civilians, but infant civilians, and UNBORN civilians. They’re PEOPLE, Al, you arrogant , blind, clueles hypocrite! I am so sick of your smugness. YOU promote more of the “culture of death” that you so narrowly define than Clinton, Dean, or any present Democrat has ever done.

Here’s MOhler’s closing comment:

The Democrats may try to talk “values,” but until they reclaim the value of human life from conception until natural death, they do not deserve to be taken seriously.

Did you actually say “conpception to natural death”? Does respect for life extend , after all , to all humans? Does the war based on lies have a kind of imooral and “disrespect for life” implied in it? Do you and your denominational fundamentalist, nationalistic cronies back and even PROMOTE this war? Shame on you. You blaspheme life. In the end, you show NO RESPECT.

Who needs to take WHO seriously? You omit all post-birth “life respect” issues, and you expect to be taken seriously? I take you seriously as a threat to Christendom, giving the faith a bad name.

4 Replies to “Mohler on Dean (rofl)”

  1. Theoblogical


    Amen, he sure does. And then to think he is president of the Seminary that taught me so much, and allowed me to take classes from Glen Stassen, Glenn Hinson, Findley Edge, and others…it’s just so depressing to see how far they’ve allowed that insititution to fall. I think he was put there to be the “wingnut ranter” for the Right Wing of the denomination that took over, and not for any real educational qualifications.

    It is also quite ironic to realize that Gordon Cosby and Clarence Jordan also went there, and what they went on to do. Now, it would take quite a bit of “de-programming” for anyone graduating from there to actually DO something, unless the experience itself somehow allowed their conscience to rebel and seek what God is truly calling them to do. That sounds harsh, but I can’t see that place, with its leadership, actually being open to what God is calling Church leaders to be; especially today. For them, it’s some version of being an extension of empire, like you said.


  2. Theoblogical

    Oh, sorry.

    Gordon Cosby is the founding pastor of The Church of the Saviour in D.C. , the Church I often rave about and compare to all others.

    Clarence Jordan started Koinonia Farm in the late 40’s, an interacial community (in the 40’s and 50’s in rural Georgia, which didn’t sit to well with all the good ol’ boys down there, so they had many a KKK visitation….Millard Fuller went there in the 60’s and was wondering what to do with his life, and ended up giving all his millions away and starting Habitat for Humanity)


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