I am Sick of It

More and more, prominent evangelicals (like Ron Sider) are questioning the sincerity of “Compassionate Conservatism”. At some point, it becomes “Selfish Blindness” , as Christians dig in and entrench themselves in defending an adminstration whose leaders call upon the name of God, but are now showing how very little they really care about the priorities of Jesus or the prophets before him.

beliefnet: The State of the Union on Poverty by Ron Sider–Bush faith-based compassion conservativism government poor

The number of Americans in poverty has jumped by more than a million every year from 2001-2003. We have millions of Americans working full-time all year round without earning enough to escape poverty. At $5.15 per hour, the minimum wage is not enough to enable a parent with children to even get close to escaping poverty. Forty-five million Americans lack health insurance–and the number keeps growing each year. The U.S. is the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee health insurance to all its people.

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