Tragically Unneccessary

Wallis says what I thought as well when I hear Bush talk about being with people who have lost loved ones in Iraq:

High Stakes For Church and State, Sojourners Magazine/November 2004

Even as an opponent of the war, I found the most moving part of Bush’s convention speech to be the stories of his times with military families who had lost their precious loved ones. Those losses are heartbreaking for all of us (as the loss of Iraqi lives should be too). Spending time with those who have lost a brother, a son, a daughter, a mother or father, a husband or wife has been a heart-breaking experience for me. But the most heart-wrenching question is whether they were tragically unnecessary.

The latter is also the light shed upon the guilt Bush and his cabinet share in beig the sole cause of these deaths, deaths I consider to be entirely unneccessary.

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