So Show Bush the Door in 2004!

Now Jim lets it out:

High Stakes For Church and State, Sojourners Magazine/November 2004

Now we are in a real mess and George Bush should not be allowed to get away with the deceptions, incompetence, and consequences of this awful war. The war in Iraq was wrong from the start, and most every religious body in the world has said so. A Christian president has ignored the conviction of the vast majority of the world’s Christians that the war in Iraq was wrong and that there is a better way–a more effective and morally consistent way to fight terrorism.

I’m furious that this race is even close. The glaring evidence that Bush has blown it on a number of fronts, but most of all, Iraq, and that he lied, rushed, and deceived us into doing the will of a few deranged, greedy, evil men. I’m not sure how much Bush is “in” with them; if he is deceived himsedlf due to his lack of depth, or if he is even a leader of them and not a puppet on a string. I really don’t care which, because they must be stopped.


The hardest saying of Jesus and perhaps the most controversial in our post 9-11 world must be: “Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you.” Let’s be honest: how many churches in the United States have heard sermons preached from either of these Jesus texts in the years since America was viciously attacked on the world-changing morning of Sept. 11, 2001? Shouldn’t we at least have a debate about what the words of Jesus mean in the new world of terrorist threats and pre-emptive wars?

4 Replies to “So Show Bush the Door in 2004!”

  1. Anthony

    Can you demonstrate to me how John Kerry has demonstrated or exhibited a greater witness as a Christian? Who during the last debate stated that we are ALL God’s children and that homosexuality is accepted by God?

    Anyone can quote scripture. Jesus called them Pharisees.

    I will choose a president who makes mistakes but at least attempts to follow God before a man who appears to only be generous with his lip service.

  2. Eric Lee

    Whoa there–Bush quotes scripture far more than Kerry ever does. There is no comparison. Holy cow– Bush is the king of lip service. I’m wondering if you read the news? I’m sorry, but this kind of delusional talk frightens me to no end.

  3. Me


    I agree with Eric. And actually, God DOES accept homosexuals. If you say NO, you also have to accept God’s condemnation of “the love of money”, Jesus’ condemnation of violence against enenmies, etc. etc. God ACCEPTS and loves ALL of us.

    You also say: “I will choose a president who makes mistakes but at least attempts to follow God before a man who appears to only be generous with his lip service.” Bush is the KING of lip service. Do you know he doesn’t even go to Church? Kerry and even Clinton (who went quite regularly) did/do. And then on “making mistakes” , it’s fine to make mistakes, but does Bush admit, or even show a capacity to do so (NO, he entirely failed to name even one mistake he had made when asked, other than name as one “appointments” (which placed the blame on how these people let HIM down).


  4. Me

    Check out my latests post for my reply to how Kerry is a better witness for Christ….which is basically, by NOT BEING evil (but I also think Kerry will work to “un-reverse” some social policies and world division we have now because of Bush, and he has shown some Peaceful initiatived in the past….he opposed Vietnam, as did a sizeable number– if not most—- Americans did)

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