After 10 and a half years, still “blogging”

I put that in quotes,  because the ecosystem which blogging essentially launched (which has come to be known as “Social Media”),  has garnered the lion’s share of my attention and energy.  Thus,  I have now over 13,000 tweets,  which I have begun to seek “import” methods to suck all those back out of Twitter into data which I control better (aka WordPress Data).  Twitter Tools latest version uses Custom Post Types (creates a “Tweets” type),  and I ran the “Download Tweets” function there,  which had been doing some downloading,  but I had not become aware of where those tweets were going.  I now know they were collected into “Tweets” Custom post types.  But thus far,  it seems to be stuck at just over half way (7177) of my now 13,004.  I am still investigating that.  I understand that it is supposed to do downloading in the background very slowly,  but nothing has changed in the past week.

I am intrigued with this “recovery” of my Tweet data.  I am also keenly aware that I want all the “incoming tweets” like @mentions and Direct Messages.  I am keenly interested in capturing tweets not only for my own pursuits,  but also for the Social Media job I have for which  I am in the process of proposing new projects that will increase my development hours. Having my creative juices being beckoned once again is obviously a very healthy thing to have happen to my work career.

Since I have long been an evangelist for the Blogging format,  and have frequently bemoaned some of the perceived effects of Twitter and “micro-bllogging” platforms (like less writing of lengthier  articulations of ideas),  I hope to feed the Micro-blogging energy of Twitter back into the mix and generate more thinking (and the exercise of writing about that thinking)  via the blog medium – specifically WordPress,  and to some extent,  a more extensive use of Tumblr,  which is easily invoked from the various “Share” bookmarklets.

And in blogging,  I invariably end up ranting (hopefully, in a good way)  about my sense of where the church is in regards to its fullest and most effective use of Social Media,  and its theological attentiveness to the tools and their effects.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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