The format of the blog

The format of the blog or the Weblog encourages theologizing,  for it lends itself to social commentary.  If a blogger finds an item useful,  they are often compelled to say why. Even if they offer no direct commentary,  their choice of subject matter brings to the fore the issues which they wish to highlight.

Even in the act of highlighting things which merely exemplify their passion or interests,  they are presenting their gift of connection to others in the community;  to highlight things which attract an audience of two or three others,  or dozens, or hundreds as the case may be,   they are laying the groundwork for their interest group, and impetus to return,  and gather a group around their information center.  Their “weblog neighborhood”,  another common format found among bloggers,  represents connections to other interests and concerns,  and serves as a way to introduce their readers to their other concerns,  to which their readers are more naturally drawn due to their common interest in the other items.  

This creates micro-groupings within an organization,  or church,  who share information and ideas on a particular subject,  and use that to open each other to additional components of their personhood. 

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