
I began reading the stuff over at AKMA’s Disseminary site,  as they have begun to kick into gear regarding doing theological education and theological conversation online.   I want really bad to jump in and digest and regurgitate (nice image, huh?),  but as I am starting a new Contract job on Monday,  and feel the need to do some preliminary reading on some of the technologies and tools in use on that project,  I will be content,  at least for a few days,  to point over there and acknowledge my intent to read ,  find new people for my blogroll,  and comment. 

As things at Old St. George begin rolling in the direction of a more ready and relevant Web prescence and activity,  I foresee there being some common mission there,  and a possible place for some future onsite Disseminary meetings or seminars, etc.  The goal of aggregating resources on Online Theological Discussion via forums, weblogs, smartmobbing (ala Howard Rheingold’s Smart Mobs studies and the relevance of that to Churches) would naturally intersect with what the plans and envisionings for Disseminary seem to be.    

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