First Week of Contract Work Went Well

First full week of 8 hour days in a while,  just complete.   

First week of Contarct work over.  My first real “Saturday feeling” (ie.  That feeling of waking up on a day when one can rest from the weekday routine).   The week went well,  as everyday routines and various “fires to be put out” allowed me to observe the typical goings on of the business,  and the Contractor who I am replacing,  who is an excellent coder and Cold Fusion developer,  is going to be availabe for another week (originally slated to be available only for 3 days…..I felt much better when I learned he would be there for 7 more days — through next Friday).  I feel I can greatly benefit from those 7 extra days (and indeed I did in days 1 and 2 of those 7,  Yesterday and Thursday).

I set up my test Cold Fusion server yesterday,  and was finding a few Dreamweaver MX helps almost immediately (the Snippets panel and its insert before/insert after which allows you to wrap selected code between the opening and closing tages.  This will allow me to createa collection of code blocks most often used in our applications.  I alo look forward to seeing what I can do with various Stored Procedures usage,  with the way data binding and the Database panel allows me to drag a field into Design View and have ColdFusion query tags placed around it to call from the proper database and field without having to remember it. 

I completed 2 or 3 items,  about half the items on a to-do list we were given (the contractor I am learning from and eventuall replacing took the other half) yesterday afternoon,  which pleased me.  I feel I am going to be just fine.  Still a  lot of learning the data here,  and the various processes and data updates through which the Web applications must take a particular action, but I am feeling much more “capable” now. 

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