Reading the Bible thru the Eyes of the 99Percent by @reseudaimon

Love seeing this post from Derek Penwell today,  as I rev up my WordPress geek engines to continue constructing and tweaking my newly opened  blog,  hosted at my  blog.

My tweet just a few moments ago:  Reading the Bible thru the Eyes of the 99Percent by @reseudaimon //Gold Star #occupytheology Post.

Just the kind of thing I hope I find on the increase in the blogo/twiiter-sphere.  For instance:

 “The Gospels refer to them as the poor, the sick, as prostitutes, tax collectors, and slaves. Some quarters of the Republican party refer to them as “lazy whiners.”

As the ranks of “the poor” increase,  supplied by the stready slide of the mioddle class down the ladder,  and into the ranks of the “suspect, lazy whiners”  (according to the Fox News/right wing commentary reps),  more of us have less reason to lend any credence to this BS.  And how the Christian fzaith became almost indistinguishable from the “American dream” as portrayed by the wanna-live-in-a gated community types — those who don’t want to look at the unemployed, the poor,  the growing masses offendced by what has become of democracy  — this is a deeply confotative theological question,  one that has been all too often lost on those whose faith is becoming subsumed with the values of “Americandream-ism/exceptionalism”.

It is a theological question that disturbed me as a listen to prayers for blessing on “our nation”…not repentance for our allowing the disparity in our country to become so entrenched,  powerful,  and “ingrained” in our value system.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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