Occupy #OccupyChurch

When I first hit on the idea to get a domain,  occupychurch.org was my first choice.  But to my dismay,  I found it inhabited by a church group that used the domain as a catchphrase,  capitalizing (and “distorting”)  the meme into a cheap PR scheme that thumbs its nose at the occupy movement by dissing political protest (and “Occupy” with it)  by saying “Occupy Church instead”.  By setting that up as an “either /or”  they are expressing a disdain and a dissing and irrelevance,  in their view ,  to the occupy movement as it concerns the church.  So I intend to use ,  along with  Jeremy John who is also using it,  #occupyChurch as a way to Occupy #occupyChurch.  I have noticed several others doing the same.  (And oh,  yes,  thanks for that “follow” Jeremy — it just popped up on my Tweetdeck noticification that Jeremy is following me on Twitter!)

Occupy #OccupyChurch!

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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