Great story re: #occupyOakland protester targeted 4 deporting #occupytheology

I heard about one detail of this case,  which was that an OccupyOakland protester had been detained and in process of being deported.  I had no idea,  of course,  of the non-violence commitment of this guy.  And he totally blows away the ignorant “unemployed/drifter/incoherent” narrative being disseminated about the OWS movement by the even more incoherent Right.

The police had declared Monday, November 14th of 2011 as the day of the raid on the Occupy Oakland encampment. It was the first Occupy site to call for a general strike that shut down the fifth largest port in the country; it was also the first Occupy gathering to report a shooting and a murder, as police violence also reached new heights. With tensions mounting amidst political chaos, police escalated their violent crackdowns and the narrative of fear. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent in preparation for the raid, police from around the state were called in, and uncertainty filled the air.

The night before, Pancho Ramos Stierle heard about growing tensions in the community and thought, “If police are stepping up their violence, we need to go and step up our nonviolence.

via DailyGood: If You Want To Be a Rebel, Be Kind, by Nipun Mehta.

Last night before turning in,  I was watching some of the ongoing plice crackdowns on peaceful assemblies,  whose “lashing out” included such “violence” as chanting “shame!”  at the police carrying out force on people exercising their right to assembly and their RESPONSIBILITY to be citizens with a voice.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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