Taking it all in

I want to reiterate again how important I think David Wallace-Wells’ latest book “The Uninhabitable Earth” is. It should be read by everyone. It’s best value is in how extensive it is in laying it all out there for us: the intricate, interconnected flow of ecological life, and how this has supported human life for tens of thousands of years Continue Reading

Prayer and gnostic fallacy

Of course they did. To challenge the idea that “praying” somehow “absolves” one from actual action is going to get push-back from those who wish to, in effect, live “religiously vicariously” rather than upset any patterns of living. It’s one of those social consequences of the “Gnostic” fallacy that our “religious life” is a private, “internal” matter; and that our Continue Reading

The real nightmare is worse than “economic”

“Not only do we believe this is unrealistic, we fear it could permanently put the American dream out of reach from millions of Americans,” said Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), ” https://buff.ly/2Y1SGqG NO, it’s to avoid as much nightmare as possible. MoveOn had this to say about this on their share of this article: “If he wants to talk about genocide, let’s talk Continue Reading