“America” is not even real until we prioritize “The People for whom it stands”

Why can’t people opposing these protests understand this? (Read the rest of my thoughts on this below the following quote, which prompted this post)   For many, they simply don’t want to. They don’t want to have to face the questions of the infidelity to the principles that they claim to be upholding by acknowledging the flag or the anthem Continue Reading

It’s not really a protest UNLESS it’s done DURING the anthem.

I am NOT ceding their point that disrespect is being shown by kneeling, NOR in kneeling DURING THE ANTHEM. It is very much THE POINT that the protest happen DURING the anthem. It is very much THE POINT that this is to make public that there is something VERY WRONG with “Observance” of the Flag and Anthem in America when Continue Reading

Denial of the true costs of change we must undertake

The critic/opponents of Black Lives Matter seem identical to the opposition to MLK and the Civil Rights movement. Yet another example of a generation that has completely forgotten history, and repeating it. Really rankles that so many “Christians” are caught up in this. Much of this blame falls squarely on the churches, for ignoring this festering sore (and deeper infection) Continue Reading