Blog post: Help me test my blog comments system: h…
Blog post: Help me test my blog comments system:
Blog post: Help me test my blog comments system:
we’re no longer operating from a paradigm of deviating from the status quo, or operating from the paradigm of looking at the challenge of climate change and what’s actually necessary Source: Tim DeChristopher on the Demand to End All New Fossil Fuel Leasing on Public Lands and Oceans | Democracy Now!
This post comes at the relationship between EcoEcclesia and OccupyTheology from opposite sides from the previous post. In the previous post, I reflected a bit upon why the Climate movement is like the Occupy movement, springing from similar and related sets of causes (the oligarchy’s continuous drive to further consolidate power and economic stranglehold. From another angle, OccupyTheology is Continue Reading
Blog post: Why EcoEcclesia is also an OccupyTheology exercise:
Labor leader Larry Cohen said Clinton’s handling of TPP helped clarify why he wanted to get behind Sanders
I just created a post type in WordPress for EcoEcclesia. EcoEcclesia , however, is also OccupyTheology, since I contend that it requires an action of “Occupying” the theologies, economies, and spaces of the status quo to ensure that a fundamental questioning must take place. The status quo which brought about the call to “Occupy” is no longer tenable, and that Continue Reading
Blog post: Why EcoEcclesia is also OccupyTheology:
Blog post: New WordPress Post Type: EcoEcclesia:
In keeping with my conviction that EcoEcclesia calls for a re-orienting of Christian theology into a “Creation Crisis”mode, I have created a new “Post Type” in my WordPress blog entitled “EcoEcclesia”. I will go back , at some point and add that post type to the scores of “OccupyTheology” types I have assigned to the vast majority of the posts Continue Reading
(2 of 2) The built in Health Benefit: Living in a stable, re-generative world that supports life as intended and purposed.
the ULTIMATE of Health Cares: Caring for the Ecology of our world, which itself has a built in health benefit (1 of 2)
The “reality” here refers to that whole explanation/expression/articulation of it in all of the article prior to after the quote
“God is not a theory about the way things work. God is a reality we experience directly.” — Gene Marshall
Blog: Raise our UMC voices! #occupytheology
I commented briefly under this article, posted to the United Methodist News Service Facebook page, and linked to this blog post for a longer reflection and call to action. So here is the longer version: This is SO good to see, one level. On another level, I have been deeply concerned about the silence of the churches, most of all, our Continue Reading