“we can speak today of ‘environmental holiness’ a…
“we can speak today of ‘environmental holiness’ as well [as with ‘social holiness’, eg. Wesley] http://t.co/GeA3x4T7sf
“we can speak today of ‘environmental holiness’ as well [as with ‘social holiness’, eg. Wesley] http://t.co/GeA3x4T7sf
God’s Renewed Creation: Call to Hope and Action: The Pastoral Letter, United Methodist Council of Bishops 2009 http://t.co/a9deps9hUS
“we can speak today of ‘environmental holiness’ as well” – UMC Council of Bishops, United Methodist Church http://t.co/3lRax9Prbx
United.Meth. Bishops Pastoral Letter: God’s Renewed Creation: Call to Hope and Action http://t.co/b5stTyGXgc
Blog post: Where we find ourselves as a Church, how we got here & where we need to go in this Crisis http://t.co/Ixf4lNazTJ
Blog: What kind of church gives emergency level attention to , well, a global emergency? http://t.co/lPveigEmNy #occupytheology
There’s so much to say about this response to an email I sent to a denominational news website: Me: since your reply to my question about Climate Crisis coverage, it’s been 24 days, and I don’t think ONE article has appeared anywhere on [your main website] Seems that the News staff might need a dedicated Climate reporter, like many of the Continue Reading
Angels have added 3 bit-part veteran OFs in less than 24 hours. #Reds went half a decade waiting for Uncle Walt to add just one for depth.
.@d_sikkema @james_ka_smith @Pontifex @commentmag but I fear that the transcendence w/out immanence is the problem re: the Climate Crisis
Blog: The absence of any sustained and serious effort re: The Climate Crisis in UMCom history … http://t.co/syMENVuMKe #occupytheology
So, I scan the timeline*, and at no time has the issue of the Climate Crisis been considered worthy of a serious communication effort, even as this has become glaringly obvious as a reality of IMMENSE social , political, and economic upheaval. When will this cross the threshold from “an issue” among others, to a Crisis worthy of SERIOUS ethical, Continue Reading
Blog post: The absence of any sustained and serious effort re: The Climate Crisis in UMCom history (…: http://t.co/j3eD1s3DYT
The UMCom timeline of the 75 years of its history. No single mention of the Climate Crisis. http://t.co/ceT5hbHO26
@EcoEcclesia @Revkin Actually meant DOES require…..now that I look at what I tweeted there
Problem: it hasn’t done so well extending the actual successes to MOST of the poor. 2 of 2