Where we find ourselves as a Church, how we got here, and where we need to go in this time of Climate Crisis.

There’s so much to say about this response to an email I sent to a denominational news website: Me: since your reply to my question about Climate Crisis coverage,  it’s been 24 days,  and I don’t think ONE article has appeared anywhere on [your main website]  Seems that the News staff might need a dedicated Climate reporter,  like many of the Continue Reading

The absence of any sustained and serious effort re: The Climate Crisis in recent UMCom history

So, I scan the timeline*, and at no time has the issue of the Climate Crisis been considered worthy of a serious communication effort, even as this has become glaringly obvious as a reality of IMMENSE social , political, and economic upheaval. When will this cross the threshold from “an issue” among others, to a Crisis worthy of SERIOUS ethical, Continue Reading