Previous tweet references this video reflection fr…
Previous tweet references this video reflection from @PandoPopulus by Tim @DeChristopher
Previous tweet references this video reflection from @PandoPopulus by Tim @DeChristopher
As I have been posting this morning about the “acceptance of Climate Change” at a level required for us to “get it” regarding the urgency of the crisis it represents, I am once agin reminded and brought back to something Tim DeChristopher said in these reflections he offered when I asked him to say a few words about why he Continue Reading
Blog post: Tweaking/Reorienting our theology for the Anthropocene:
If you claim you are “Not a denier”; that you “believe the science” and yet don’t think it’s an urgent problem, then you’re just posturing.
Denying your doctor’s warnings of required drastic actions is NOT “believing your doctor”. It’s a battle of your will vs medical evidence
It’s like saying you “believe your doctor” who’s said you must CEASE your intake of certain foods NOW, and you say “I have plenty of time”
One can still be a “G.W. Denier” by claiming to “accept the science” and yet ignore the warnings re: the rapidly accelerating consequences
Blog post: “Extricating ourselves” from the fossil fuel economy and its realities?:
Blog: “Extricating ourselves†from the fossil fuel economy and its realities? #occupytheology
“Extricating ourselves is going to be much harder than Ms Klein likes to acknowledge.” the above quote appears in the longer text below, which is a comment submitted by Murray Reiss under an article by John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark “The liberal attack on Naomi Klein and ‘This Changes Everything’ “ on the Climate & Capitalism website Foster and Continue Reading
Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold by @MTaibbi via @rollingstone
Jeb Bush’s solution to low pay: “Work longer hours”. That’ll work, Jeb!
EVERY ACTIVE SCIENTIST: GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL conservatives: NUH UH ONE RETIRED SCIENTIST: global warming isn’t real conservatives: SEE!
Did any particular book, speaker, inspiration or realization finally lead you to “let in” the sense of urgency re: the Climate Crisis?
.@OccupyHolySee Thanks! That’s a way to do that that somehow didn’t occur to me, but then I hate when people ask “Please RT!”