“Extricating ourselves” from the fossil fuel economy and its realities?

“Extricating ourselves is going to be much harder than Ms Klein likes to acknowledge.”

the above quote appears in the longer text below,  which is a comment submitted by Murray Reiss  under an article by John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark “The liberal attack on Naomi Klein and ‘This Changes Everything’ “ on the Climate & Capitalism website

Foster and Clark write: “For those imbued in the values of the current system, she writes in her book, ‘changing the earth’s climate in ways that will be chaotic and disastrous is easier to accept than the prospect of changing the fundamental, growth-based, profit-seeking logic of capitalism.’” What they don’t seem to appreciate, and what Elizabeth Kolbert & Richard Smith both point out (and to point out is not to endorse) is that “those imbued in the values of the current system” amounts to just about all of us. Extricating ourselves is going to be much harder that Ms Klein likes to acknowledge. It’s a task that would be helped immensely if most of the books & articles on the topic began where they ended, not with an over-reliance on imperative exhortations of what “must” and what “has to” change but with a compelling vision of what we’re going to replace capitalism with, what it’s going to look like at the level of people’s lives, why we’re going to do just fine under this new regime, and how in the world we are going to get there from here in the very few years we have left.

I can’t disagree with any of that (in the above quote),  except to say that , “Yes,  even though “just about all of us”  are “imbued in the values of the current system”  is a place that, it seems to me,  we need to find before we even begin to imagine alternatives.  Otherwise,  we are not finding the conversation partners that have gotten to this place with us.  Naomi’s book is telling the story of a worldwide movement beginning to explore this.  So “extricating ourselves”,  and the difficulty of that,  is not something Naomi didn’t mention ,  since she did so OFTEN, throughout the book.  I don’t think she showed ANY reticence to admit that it’s a big job,  and a long process.  Only that it needs to v

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