A New “Earth-Honoring Faith” is required; a new Reformation

“By asserting that nature has a value in and of itself, Francis is overturning centuries of theological interpretation that regarded the natural world with outright hostility—as a misery to be transcended and an ‘allurement’ to be resisted.” – Naomi Klein in “A Radical Vatican?” via The New Yorker Yes, Naomi, it is a STEEP theological legacy that must be reformed. But Continue Reading

Is the Climate Crisis to become an issue of major emphasis and effort for the church?

another choice quote from the above article by Naomi Klein: We’re here because many powerful Church insiders simply cannot be counted upon to champion Francis’s transformative climate message—and some would clearly be happy to see it buried alongside the many other secrets entombed in this walled enclave. – Naomi Klein in “A Radical Vatican?”, New Yorker Magazine I get this same sense Continue Reading

Issues raise question for United Methodists: ‘Will the unity Hold?’ No mention of climate crisis

Building on my last post here,  I saw an article on UMNS , here,  entitled “United Methodists achieve milestones despite differences” , and began the article with this: Different viewpoints over societal changes have led some to speculate whether the unity of The United Methodist Church will hold when its top legislative body meets in May 2016. (the linked article Continue Reading