@dlturn there was no “reply to” on that tweet, s…
@dlturn there was no “reply to” on that tweet, so the only thing I had to go on was that you tweeted it after mine starting “therefore..”
@dlturn there was no “reply to” on that tweet, so the only thing I had to go on was that you tweeted it after mine starting “therefore..”
@dlturn yeah, like read my tweet just before your last question
@dlturn my point implies that , yes, in saying “secular ALSO”
@dlturn this was prompted by a comment he made about “we know what the most dangerous meme in the world is” (meaning belief in a God)
@dlturn therefore it’s not just the religious that live based on “fairy tales”; there are mistaken views of reality in secular circles too
@dlturn any way of “seeing the world” can be less grounded in reality due to one’s ideology that tells them such a view is “the way it is”
Blog: Inequality For All – Excellent Choice http://t.co/53zXn5BDiM #occupytheology
“we’re also on a path back to ‘patrimonial capitalism,’ controlled not by talented individ’ls but by family dynasties http://t.co/oalXRGyjOW
“since 1980 the 1% has seen its income share surge again—and in the US it’s back to what it was a century ago.” http://t.co/cW0i576LZD
Prev tweet of stats HT to @miklasz of St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Minus a couple of BAD pitching days (both 7 runs allowed, which will happen) @Reds are 3-6 in those other 9 while allowing only 14 runs!
.@miklasz almost as telling: minus the two 7 runs allowed games, Reds are 3-6 in those 9 games, while allowing only 14 runs!
Blog post:Inequality For All – Excellent Choice : http://t.co/TuZBNhm2PT #OWS #OccupyTheology
Just got back from the Y where my choice of reading/viewing fare was a Netflix movie, Robert Reich’s “Inequality For All”. (Don’t know why they didn’t include that link to Netflix on their ad ) This alone was a program making the 7.99 a month monthly price well worth it. Heck, it’s worth it if you have friends, since you Continue Reading
People who have bought into the logic of Citizens United represent the best case studies we have of the influence of that money
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