Still hear talk like this amongst Christians “”In…
Still hear talk like this amongst Christians ““In a manly time of struggle,†proclaimed one German Christian p…
Still hear talk like this amongst Christians ““In a manly time of struggle,†proclaimed one German Christian p…
Mom’s memorial service is Saturday, August 2 at 1 pm with visitation from 11am -1pm at Williamson Memorial Gardens
Mom passed at 9:58pm Wednesday …was telling her goodnight.. noticed her not breathing …took only about 3 more breaths as nurse listened
This is truly a Goliath vs David moment in Gaza. And Goliath is still pounding David into the dust:
With Dad it was sudden & unexpected. With Mom, its a vigil, wondering how long she has: tonight, tomorrow, or soon after. Breathing short.
Israel Is Minting the Next Generation of Hate: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” we ask. via @thedailybeast
.@MisterRedlegs if a series of “wake up” facts ending in “nothing will” doesnt wake up the Owner and GM, nothing will. I hear ya
RT @rezaaslan: .@davidfrum “I’m sorry but…”
in Moms room, breathing and BP changed…MAY be in final hours (but no way to KNOW) just waiting
RT @sullydish: Denial among those pro-Israel understandable response when confronted with nearly 250 dead children:
Mom’s BP and pulse are down a bit today…heading down there more hurriedly now…but could be just an expected dip….but you never know
Israeli Self-Defense Does Not Permit Killing Civilians by Daniel Levy HT @ChrisLHayes
and of course, the count runs to 2 and 2
two outs, inning 2, @Reds Zack Cozart batting .222 2 hr 22 rbi. Can he drive in the Reds run #2?
Israel says it wants to destroy tunnels & as much Gaza “military infrastructure” as possible (somehow includes hosptals, power plants, etc)