@BoomerBARE situation in game has to be weighed al…
@BoomerBARE situation in game has to be weighed along with chances of “no indisputable evidence” ….not quite so obvious as Price thought
@BoomerBARE situation in game has to be weighed along with chances of “no indisputable evidence” ….not quite so obvious as Price thought
@BoomerBARE nope. Still not obvious enough…even tho I thought it looked out….could not actually gap between hand and bag
@dlature but here someone obviously thought it was obvious. I question their judgment as to that, but all the more because of 2out 1st ing
having said all that, I Do NOT think the Reds should have challenged that with two out in the first inning. TERRIBLE decision.
PRoblem is vast difference in perception of what “indisputable evidence” means. Give me different day different official: opposite result
This is ridiculous how badly inconsistent and undependable this baseball replay is. Right there in their face.
RT @VICE: Former C*mc*st & V*r*z*n Attorneys Now Manage the FCC & Are About to Kill the Internet http://t.co/ojmqspt5uV
Blog post:Church, Web, Social Media, and captivity to secular IT: http://t.co/4hEUEHqCEf
The “Social Media Business-fication” of the Web has infected the organizations that could be/should be best equipped to do theological reflection on what elements of the Social Web are important to preserve and to build upon. The “numbers games” of amassing followers and “likes” drowns out the concerns about the quality of the community maintenance. The “technological infrastructure” concerns Continue Reading
Blog post:ah, for the ‘good ol’ days’ (of Blogging, that is): http://t.co/b1RmbOUnww
A few posts I began reading this morning, prompted by a Twitter link from Dave Winer, who is one of , if not THE “Blogging Godfather(s)” to me, as I cut my blogging teeth on his Radio Userland blogging and RSS software. Dave linked to a post by Matthew Ingram who wrote wistfully of the “unedited voice of a person” which Continue Reading
.@aaronpk in @dangillmor (re: Indie Web mvmt importance) “the silos formed & attracted people because it was easier” http://t.co/8LyYzWaHAT
“the pendulum is swinging back to the broad, empowering philosophies that underpinned the early social web” http://t.co/e0hjYfRdGb // is it?
RT @davewiner: Mathew Ingram misses the blogosphere. http://t.co/R0rFhU8P0P // Me too. Badly. Worse, I’ve let it change me , too.