“@TPM: GOP may use threat of default to sabotage O…
“@TPM: GOP may use threat of default to sabotage Obamacare http://t.co/BoOZLIri9n” //they seem incapable of learning
“@TPM: GOP may use threat of default to sabotage Obamacare http://t.co/BoOZLIri9n” //they seem incapable of learning
Agree with Chomsky that we need to focus our tech-know-how on problems of climate change, to make extending life more “useful” #Singularity
Q’tn of life extending technologies. What are the limits of brain aging after we successfully replicate biology to the max? #Singularity
I believe we will indeed have amazing life-extending tech and techno-organs, nerves, and even extensions of many functions of the brain.
I still sense a “missing link” that may well be beyond the reach of technology, even as it continues to surprise & change our expectations
But do I think that technology will exceeed my wildest expectations? Yes. In that sense, Kurzweil has written a great book about the future
Re: Kurzweil’s The #Singularity Is Near: I don’t go all the way w/ RK to see a day when we “create a brain that surpasses the human”
The Internet’s Own Boy: Film on Aaron Swartz Captures Late Activist’s Struggle for Online Freedom http://t.co/FBouhCulln via @DemocracyNow
Blog post:So much better than a “Newsletter”, unless you wanna call it a “Virtual Church Update”: http://t.co/Yyjxxj9HBM
Was just talking to a friend about “Social Singularity” thoughts I’ve been writing about… He mentioned a coffeehouse experience and the “sensory” , etc. that can’t be duplicated. We are heading for a “Social Singularity” that will make that LESS true; that we cant get that from a screen is true…but we wont be talking about “screens” in 20 years Continue Reading
Obama State of the Union to focus on income inequality http://t.co/vLM7p1tu07 Wonder what “focus on” means anymore?
Blog post:A “Social Singularity” is much more likely than a “Mind/Brain” Singularity: http://t.co/ZdscdOTrpb
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OK, some more thoughts on “Social Singularity” vs “Singularity” as in “creating a non-biological brain” (see prev tweet link)
Blog post:A “Social Singularity” is much more likely than a “Mind/Brain” Singularity: http://t.co/CM2OltjqAx