Rather Lopsided Treatment of the Net by a Theolgian of Communication

This blogger (Nathan Bierma) noticed the same thing I did about Habits of the High-Tech Heart,  a book to which I have reacted quite a bit over the past week. I recall reading portions of “Dancing in the Dark” several years ago and recall being impressed with it….and so my surprise at finding so much of the “dark side” of technology Continue Reading

Online Hospitality

Schultze says: “There is no virtual equivalent of hospitality,  since [hospitality] occurs in a place”.  He reveals his biases once again.  Of COURSE there is equivalent.  What about the programmer/developer of a Web site online community that does his work and gives his time to provide a place to host discussion and offer ways for users to write weblogs and Continue Reading

In Defense of Enthusiasm for Online Technologies in the Church

In “My problem with anti-Net culture rhetoric”, I state the convictions behind my defense of what Schultze would seem to identify as cyber-utopian faith in technology (from my take on his views as expressed in HABITS OF THE HIGH-TECH HEART. It’s not FAITH in technology, but its “envisioning some possibilities” for how the Church can use the technology to “tell Continue Reading