The needed dogma on climate

I have commented at least a couple of times (probably on Twitter and Facebook) about how we have all these flavors of churches in the U.S. that emphasize certain theological approaches and put forward their own “selective canon” of Scriptures (all groups do this,  according to the narrative they want to emphasize).  But that a group “wants” to emphasize a certain narrative is not, in and of itself,  a critique.  It could be out of a primal, deep desire to have their religious community be attuned to things that address our deepest concerns.  This is the case with me,  and my 7-8 month trek into a new “ecological” thinking (where I do “Ecotheology”)  has me asking about where the communities might be that might righly be deemed a PROLIFE community in the strictest sense:  That ALL OF LIFE,  which neccessarily includes the ecosystem in which that life takes place and from which we receive our breath and being (since God is IN and THROUGHOUT that system ,  and can be said to be EMBODIED by that system. )

So where are they?  I intend to find out.  I intend to seek it out.

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