Been “doing this” for 30 years

Another stinger from McKibben in his New Yorker article about the Feinstein debacle: “The irony is that, when Feinstein said she’s been “doing this for thirty years,” she described the precise time period during which we could have acted. James Hansen brought the climate question to widespread attention with his congressional testimony in 1988. If we’d moved thirty years ago, Continue Reading

“Youth carry the moral authority here”

“youth carry the moral authority here, and, at the very least, should be treated with the solicitousness due a generation that older ones have managed to screw over. ” McKibben in The New Yorker (linked earlier today)

“in just the past three decades”

“Many perceive global warming as a sort of moral and economic debt, accumulated since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and now come due after several centuries. In fact, more than half of the carbon exhaled into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels has been emitted in just the past three decades. Which means we have done as Continue Reading

Leaving it to the professionals

In the below examples, one leaves it to the trained professionals.  So why do we make an EXCEPTION  where Climate Scientists are concerned? We all of a sudden become eager to say “leave it to God”. One could say that God gave us science to advance and understand life, and use it to heal and restore where needed, and to Continue Reading

Scaring us with the “spectre” of “Green New Deal”

“It’s very clear that conservatives have one plan for dealing with the popularity of the Green New Deal: scaring the hell out of people. And it’s very clear that they have one big problem: The hell they’re building through inaction is a lot scarier than “upgrading all existing buildings.” — Bill McKibben (in “Climate Change Is Scary—Not the Green New Continue Reading

When do we decide to move forward?

“we have to be willing to give up, surrender, let go completely the notion that the work we do and the communities we build can salvage a “way of life” built around massive exploitation of the planet to support a global industrial economic growth model that has led us to this point. That’s over. Our work now is not a Continue Reading

The disjointed blindness of the right wing rage over @AOC

The right wing uproar and energy seeking to laugh at @AOC is , itself, a gas. The “she lacks brains” line, and others like it, are the rage on right wing comments, including a UM Facebook group that is frequented mostly by right wing conservatives. LOL Anyone with some quality education can recognize articulate passion and vision. She’s not only Continue Reading

Our sins against Creation

“It is appropriate in our worship that we make confession of our sins against creation. Having invoked the presence of God the Creator, having seen Earth as the sanctuary of our worship, having established our human solidarity with all creation, and having invited the whole Earth community into a chorus of praise, we must now acknowledge our broken relationship with Continue Reading

The neglect (and denial) of the churches heighten the emotional toll of climate change

Re: this previously highlighted quote:  “imagine what the cultural expression of climate change denial and avoidance does to compound the depression, anxiety, and grief! ” — Margaret Swedish in New Creation News (re: the grief such as that written about in Imagine what the church’s silence on this, even in so-called “Progressive” denominations and church communities, does to Continue Reading