We need labs to develop our enabling Web apps

All of that (the previous post was offered: “Some boring technical background of the Weblog building” was motivated by the slight hope (perhaps “wishful thinking”) that I might be able to find a home and an academic “fellowship” in which to continue this work,  and have a way to get paid to do it or be able to manage the project Continue Reading

Some boring technical background of the Weblog building

I do have a few technologies which I have chosen as the candidates for my “online community platform”. .Net “portal” software called DotNetNuke provides a very modular and extensible framework for hosting all kinds of interwoven features,  all stored in a single SQLServer database, a nd includes such modules as a Discussion Module (to add a threaded discussion anywhere,  link Continue Reading

Theology Project 2003

This “Theology Project” category is intended and reserved for updates to my now ancient Web coverage of my now defunct DMIn project. I was doing that work in an online group that once a year,  met at Dayton when all the other DMin groups met together.   That started in 1993