Still Studying War

via jesus Politics, On this day before the third anniversary of the Iraq invasion, this bit of polling turns my stomach Go to church, back the war – Nation/Politics – The Washington Times, America’s Newspaper Overall, 45 percent of Protestants and 47 percent of “other Christians” thought the war was a mistake. The figure was 52 percent among Catholics, 58 Continue Reading

Clarity Coming

Good post from AKMA: AKMA’s Random Thoughts Something, sometime, will make clear just how grim, how cynical, how exploitative and degraded the U.S. government’s policies have become. Evidently tens of thousands of Iraqi civilan deaths haven’t done it. Thousands of U.S. military deaths haven’t done it.

More from Tom Fox

Further reflections from Tom Fox on the occasion of our remembering that for which he ended up giving his life. Waiting In the Light: The Force of War and the Force of Peace? The Same Force Moving in the Opposite Direction? Would it be possible to bring about the Peaceable Realm and still keep our unique modes of worship? Would Continue Reading

Tom Fox

We were saddened to learn that Tom Fox was confirmed dead this week. A church member at the church I attended this morning lifted this up in the prayer time, having been a classmate of Tom in college. This is from the last post on Tom’s blog: Waiting In the Light “The ongoing difficulties faced by Fallujans are so great Continue Reading

A Day Now Mostly Gone

The twisted religion of Blair and Bush – Editorials & Commentary – International Herald Tribune Both Judaism and Islam suffer from being religions that are synonymous with the construction of states and political power. This was recognized within Judaism by a constant tension between the prophets and the kings, with the former always calling the latter back to a true Continue Reading

On Recognizing the Obvious

The following is from a conversation on a Christianity Today blog where Brian McLaren explains how he is certainly Biblical in his thinking, but that “being Biblical” doesn’t always jell with the “Biblical-ness” of those who often offer the public prounouncements of what constitutes “Biblical”, particularly in America. Leadership Blog: Out of Ur: Brian McLaren on the Homosexual Question 4: Continue Reading

Abandoning the Pursuit of Power

Here’s an excellent post by Will Sampson (I quote the two closing paragraphs) willzhead: Coretta and Sam And so, the death of Coretta Scott King, a beautiful person and a valiant fighter for people’s rights, seems to ring in the change that has happened in our culture. Samuel Alito, while “pro-life”, does not believe that life should include equal voting Continue Reading

Mistaken Trust

Eric linked to here (which I just saw again on their RSS feed) and decided to duplicate the link. I agree with Eric. Yes, Read: Wayward Christian Soldiers – New York Times What will it take for evangelicals in the United States to recognize our mistaken loyalty? We have increasingly isolated ourselves from the shared faith of the global Church, Continue Reading

My Thoughts Exactly

A most excellent post over at The Mundane Life of Thunder Jones: On Still Not Getting It I think the reason is that the Bush administration prefers not to view their opponents as fellow humans who are capable of reason, discourse, and peaceful coexistence. It makes slaughter a more sensible option. By refusing conversation, the Bush administration is continuing the Continue Reading

First Pope John Paul II then MLK

via Jesus Politics: Body and Soul: No. No. No. Peace activists are protesting plans for a military flyover at the city’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. march, saying the gesture runs counter to the nonviolent beliefs of the civil rights leader. The city’s MLK Commission said the flyover by two fighter jets from Randolph Air Force Base is meant to Continue Reading


I am often sickened by the way the media will play up veneration and yet ignore the very things which caused even the Democratic/LBJ establishment to turn against King: the energies and emphasis he placed upon the “further works of reconcilation” to which he turned his attention after the voting Rights act of 1965: poverty and war. I have often Continue Reading

Phiilipines and Central America

Larry Hollon blogs from the Phillipines where he is with Methodist leaders, and the tales sound eerily reminiscent of Central America 20 years ago. Perspectives Manila–Yesterday was a long, hard day. After hearing one story after another of murder and mayhem the mind reaches a shut down. It can take in no more. The stories are chilling.

Activist Zinn Recognizes Futility of War

I do not disagree with the premise of Radical Orthodoxy that there is no “natural” prediliction to truth in the world, but that all truth, and the preconditions which enable truth to be received, are from God. With Augustine, the Radical Orthodoxy credo is that “our hearts are restless until they find their rest in [God]”. That is why I Continue Reading

To Be “Pro-Life”

via Jesus Politics Abortion issue & Schaeffer influence pushed evangelicals to engagement, Land says – (BP) “I think that Southern Baptists are the most pro-life denomination at the rank-and-file level,” Land said. HOGWASH. Bullshit. How do they get off limiting LIFE to this one issue. I am NOT pro-abortion, and not “Pro-Choice”. That’s because human life is sacred. It’s more Continue Reading