First Pope John Paul II then MLK

via Jesus Politics:

Body and Soul: No. No. No.

Peace activists are protesting plans for a military flyover at the city’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. march, saying the gesture runs counter to the nonviolent beliefs of the civil rights leader.

The city’s MLK Commission said the flyover by two fighter jets from Randolph Air Force Base is meant to be patriotic and an honor to King in a city with a strong military presence.

This reminds me of the veneration Pope John Paul got from “Pro-Life” people when he died. They totally ignore how he vehemently opposed and criticized the Iraq war. The Pope had a few thngs to say about the things that represent “the culture of death”, a phrase which the Religious Right adoptedf and proceeded to seriously truncate it d down to abortion and euthanasia only. IN between birth and death is outside the bounds somehow. Now we have this “Civic Praise” that is so clueless as to thnk they are “honoring” MLK with a display that is inappropriate. But the plroblem of war is never considered as such by the ones who assume it as a way of life.

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