Passion and Creativity

Frank Paynter, whom I sat at a table with at the Session led by Dan Gillmour on Citizen’s Media, blogged this about the Session of Respectful Disagreement led by Dave Winer. Sandhill Trek Transparency and accountability, Stan Brown, a lawyer, suggests as basic values. I think maybe passion and creativity are as important or more important than “T&A.” I get Continue Reading

Th ePower of Many

I started still yet another new book this week: The Power of Many I took some notes as I was waiting around for the first BlogNashville event Friday night. I’ll be posting them soon. (BTW, the Title of this Post had a typiing mistake. No pun intended. Just horrible typing, but it works, doesn’t it?)

Clif Figallo Has New Blog

Weblogsky: Cliff Figallo’s Blog Cliff Figallo is blogging his experiences networking via LinkedIn. Cliff was director of The WELL during its richest years as a virtual community, and has consulted on whole tons of huge online community endeavors (“social interaction on the net” – think AOL, or Salon’s Table Talk). It’s great to see him blogging away! [Link Welcome Cliff. Continue Reading

Barlow and Bush

BarlowFriendz: Dancing in the Streets: Revolution with a Smile Delightful post with an idea from Barlow: Maureen Dowd recently observed that the Republicans had become so obsessed with rejecting the 60’s ethic of doing it if it feels good that they have taken up an ethic of doing it if it makes someone else feel bad. Moreover, the GOP strategy Continue Reading

The Dean Factor

Trippi’s book got the wheels going in my thoughts about the value of a grassroots effort to “Take Back the Church” just as the Dean Campaign invokes “Take Back America”. The journeys of American politics and American Christianity run parallel in this perception amongst their grassroots and progressive communities that their deepest ideals are being hijacked in front of them. Continue Reading

revisting Virtual Community

With all the job hunting and independent projects I had going on over the past 3-4 months, I had laid down the mantle of exploring and “revisting” Virtual community. It’s time to take it up again. But, for the next couple of hours, I’m going to my daughter’s softball game. An article on SmartMobs got me to think ing about Continue Reading


I was sent this link (Why Internet Church?) by by friend Larry, about the Church of England’s new venture: an Internet Church, led by a paid pastor. the article is written by the Oxford Diocese Director of Communication, Richard Thomas. It has some important things to say, such as: And it may be that the increasing failure to participate is Continue Reading

Theological Reflections on Smart Mobs

The previous post about Brainstorms leads me to post a little reciting of what I was raving about back in October 2002: Howard Rheingold’s book that had just come out , Smart Mobs (which has a BLOG by that name which continues to keep us updated with continuing findings, studies, articles (many of them by Howard, since it is, after Continue Reading

Brainstorms Posting

I posted to Brainstorms today (Howard Rheingold’s online community which is very “Well” like (as in “The Well”, from which Howard led many in his convictions about the emerging power of the Internet for creating new types of social and peronal ties (In his groundbreaking book, The Virtual Community in 1992, online here). I have included it here because it Continue Reading

Smart Mobs, Cameras, Mobile Blogging

From Smart Mobs,  and higly relevant to some of the Smart Mobs for which we hope to begin providing in the environment where we are exploring “Great Good Place Technologies”,  which means we are to be part Social Software, part Smart Mob( which is also very much about social software running on social technology tools — “scaffolding for social psychology). Anyway,  Continue Reading

In Service to Third Places

As I talked and envisioned with Larry this past week during my visit to Cincinnati, the importance of THIRD PLACE returned as a conscious topic around which to organize my thoughts and plans and hopes. The Old St. George model of the Great Good Place for Community and Spiritual Renewal presents itself to me at a real moment of Kairos; Continue Reading

The Web Self

David Weinberger of JOHO writes about the claim by AlwaysOn that they are a “SuperBlog”, and David points out that there’s not really a way for members to “write” in an area that is “them” (that’s how I understand what Weinberger is saying, and that’s what blogging is for me as well:  a place that’s “Me” on the Web.) The Continue Reading