Barlow and Bush

BarlowFriendz: Dancing in the Streets: Revolution with a Smile

Delightful post with an idea from Barlow:
Maureen Dowd recently observed that the Republicans had become so obsessed with rejecting the 60’s ethic of doing it if it feels good that they have taken up an ethic of doing it if it makes someone else feel bad. Moreover, the GOP strategy of basing their root-level organization on Hot Protestantism has infused their ranks with a lot of chilly Puritanism, which, as H.L. Mencken defined it, is “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, is having a good time.”
These were among the factors in mind recently as I turned my thoughts to what I might do to vex the Republicans when they gather in New York a month from now. Furious as I may be at their policies, conventional protest is not an option.
If it were peaceful protest, they would ignore it even if two million people turned up. They have a demonstrated capacity to do that. Indeed, the administration consists of such fervent God-anointed idealists that they would “stay the course” against any opposition short of a majority too overwhelming to rig their electronic voting machines against.

Then Barlow sugests the following:
I want to organize a cadre of 20 to 50 of us. I want to dress us in suits and other plain pedestrian attire and salt us among the sidewalk multitudes in Republican-rich zones. At a predetermined moment, one of us will produce a boom-box and crank it up with something danceable. Suddenly, about a third of the people on the sidewalk, miscellaneously distributed in the general throng, will start dancing like crazy and continue to do so for for about a minute. Then we will stop, melt back into the pedestrian flow, and go to another location to erupt there.

Amusing. I hope people show up in droves. Go to the link and read this article. Howard Rheingold is among the comments to thsi post on Barlow’s Blog

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