AKMA on Weinberger in AKMA-land

AKMA, in blogging the presentation Weinberger gave at Seabury-Western

A global recommendation system has sprung up, making us interested in things we never knew we would be interested in. While there’s value to straining toward objectivity, the Web provides a massively interlinked intersubjective network, giving some of the weight that objectivity always used to have.

For me,  this is the thing in which lies the greatest potential for the Church and online communications. 

Because we can now find a veriety of things related to particular search words,  we can find others who are writing about the topics which interest us,  and, in the process,  find out things that we may not have realized were connected,  or things we knew existed,  because of the connection with these others.  It’s a variation on the Amazon theme, “People who bought this also bought that”;  Peple who are interested in this smae topic are also interested in these other things.  It seems a good kind of algorithm to use for matching up people on mission;  people seeking connection with “kindred souls” ,  to get some support and resourceful information,  but also to discover a vast array of heretofore unknown, unrealized connections.

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