Where are categories in data?

I did the follwing query on my MT data :
SELECT entry_category_id, entry_id, entry_title, entry_status
FROM mt_entry WHERE entry_status = 1 ORDER BY entry_id

wouldn’t I get some hits if I can go to my Edit entries and see results by filtering where Category = one of the categories in the list???

2 Replies to “Where are categories in data?”

  1. JoKeR

    I tried this and got no hits. So I browsed the table in PHPmyAdmin and saw that all of my articles had an entry_status of “2”. I suspect this column is either “1” for “Draft” or “2” for “Publish”. Thus, your query wouldn’t return anything unless you have saved some draft versions of articles which you have not yet published to make them public. Hope this helps.

  2. Me

    So if entry_status =1 is Draft (which it is) , then I should get all entries with entry_status of 1 (which I have several of them when I do the edit entries where status = 1. I mistakenly said when I do Edit Entries and ask for categories. I tries that , too, in the mYSQL query:
    SELECT entry_category_id, entry_id, entry_title, entry_status FROM mt_entry WHERE entry_category_id = 20 ORDER BY entry_id (id 20 is my “myownbiz” category, and no hits showed up there either. I also have NO entry_category_id info at all in the mt_entry table. How can that be? MY “Edit Entry ” section certainly shows several categories which have posts in them, as does the main blog home page (since it won’t show any categories that don’t have any posts published). I would expect that all posts with categories assigned would have the corresponding category_id in the entry_category_id column…but all of my values in the table for that column are null. That can’t be becuase if you go click the first category in the Categories List, Baptist, it shows entries. ???????

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