What’s the best way to

What’s the best way to get all of my Radio-created STORIES (longer posts) into Movable Type?  Related to this are the many “Shortcuts” used in Radio ,  typically a phrase in quotations,  whn it matches an entry title or a Story Ttitle,  is converted to a link.  I don’t see much hope for this one,  excpet that if someone wrote the Radio application to create these shortcut links and then identify them from a list when the shortcut is used (ie. “Post Title Number 1”) and in the process of publishign the entry, Radio changes these shortcuts to links,  which are stored in an XML file or database somewhere.  If that process could be reversed,  so that the posts which have shorcuts in them could be “reassigned” their links —-Radio does this in the process of re-publishing when it combines the xml based txt files with the templates,  creating html files.  There would have to be a “MOvable Type” script run that performs the same conversion,  perhaps replacing the identified shortcuts with their links.  Is there anybody else out there struggling with this?   (BTW,  I have already imported all my posts,  and all the quoted shortcuts, ie. “Shortcut Number One” are still there  (with no conversion done, of course)

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