Before I go home,  I

Before I go home,  I feel the need to be theoblogical……….I’ve been posting some “openers” to some of my Categories that I cleaned up and re-did last night ,  mainly so the “Comments” would start working again,  which they did.  The point is,  is to actaully GET some comments.  Somebody I would not have known had they not told me they posted,  did post to one of my blogs yesterday,  and I was thrilled.   The theoblogical thing here is that this is all creating a new way of interacting,  because there’s a framewrork of sorts (Stream of Consciousness; journal type entries, Direct commentary on some particular news item,  or “Stories”,  any of which point to other Weblogs,  sometimes other non-weblog-but-still-Web items,  and then there’s News Aggregation that lets us all subscribe to updates to each other’s blogs,  which is really cool,  and then there’s “Comments”,  which isn’t really all that active in most places I’ve seen use it….but I would want to keep it there.

It’s the end of the day,  and I should have left my desk and headed home by now,  and I’ll probably be back right at it when I get home about 45 minutes from now (long LONG commute,  but I don’t mind it so much anymore now that the roads have been improved in this Nashville area)

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