Dvorak Drool

In The Cult of the Cluetrain Manifesto,  John Dvorak sums up his take by concluding “They’re right! I don’t get it.”.  He certainly doesn’t.  LIke this comment I found by searching on the whole phrase of  thesis number 6 on Google:

6. The Internet is enabling conversations among human beings that were simply not possible in the era of mass media. Oh? Like what? IM’s? Crummy e-mail? Spam? Note the cult word enabling. Look for empowering coming soon.

Egads!  Duh! Of Course there are BAD uses,  irritating uses,  meaningless uses,  but obviously Dvorak doesn’t think too highly or much at all about the object of the “enabling”.  He simply dismisses it as a “cult word”.  He sounds like a fundamentalist,  railing against new age rhetoric.  How did “enabling” become such a dirty word to him?  OK,  from the bad uses of it.  Here’s one for ya’ John:  You are CLUELESS,  and way too jaded and cynical for me.

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