@louisgray and How the “Social Graph” Falls Short of knowing us

This post by Louis Gray opens up something that I have been suggesting about Church Social Graphs or Theological Social Graphs.  True,  Facebook,  for all its innovations and discoveries of things that “work” in the Social Space,  there is a limit to what Facebook can really learn about us not only because  we are ,  like Gray says here,  much more than a mashup of interests,  but we are also in a distinct community with a specialized “taxonomy” of knowledge and insight.  There  is a limit to how any generalized , popular culture assumptions about what interests us,  and how various interests intersect.   This is where Facebook is and operates.  It is up to the specialized communities with their own special modes  of discourse  and ways of articulating things,  to devise their own extensions to the Social Graph taxonomy.  In fact,  there is really not just one “Social Graph”,  but Facebook has given us a model from which we can and SHOULD build.

louisgray.com: The Social Graph Is Not Enough to Find a True Me

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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