This company’s business is Christian

This company’s business is Christian resources (books, curriculum, church supplies, etc.).   It seems hideously out of kilter to NOT make every effort,  and devote enormous amounts of resources to figuring out how to communicate with customers in an online world,  and enable the customers to communicate with each other.   The responses to this question that I have gotten are along the lines of “what if we get criticism?”

As usual,  church folk,  and in particular Church Publishing folk,  are pitifully behind the time.   When the time frame we are working under is Internet time,  the stakes in not moving quickly are exponentially increased.   To waste a year of Internet time is fall behind something on the order of a generation.  I’ve now been at this place 5 years,   and only this past year have we been “allowed” to even spend any time or effort at trying to create some community.

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