Streets of Twitterville have become those of Twitteropolis #icanrelate @shelisrael

I can relate.  Also contributes to a growing worry I have that something is getting lost,  and so I am reading Sherry Turkle’s Alone Together. Shel Israel blogs:

Twitterville.  I chose the title because I wanted to connote a certain homey, small-town feel– a place where you met people you know. I described it as a cozy place where you could make new friends through the friends you already had, people with who you shared interests, and less specifically ethical standards..

Was that only two years ago?

Now the place feels more to me like Twitteropolis, a noisy unwieldily place. I still have lots of friends in Twitteropolis. I share interests, information and ideas every day, but often, Twitter feels more like Times Square than it does a small town where neighbors might learn where to go and what to buy, by chatting over the backyard fence.

Twitteropolis. — Global Neighbourhoods

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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